Technical Compliance

Eclipse Colours develops products for demanding end applications including Food Packaging, Toys and Pharmaceutical Applications.

When specifying masterbatches for these end uses we operate and formulate within strict industry standard guidelines and specifications to ensure our products are of the highest quality and technical standards possible. We also ensure that the masterbatches we produce comply with legislation and directives relating to the particular end use that has been specified for national, international and global markets.

Eclipse Colours operates and is fully approved to ISO9001:2008 quality standards.

All our masterbatch formulations meet the requirements of Directive 94/62/EC for Packaging and Packaging Waste.

All our masterbatches and compliant with REACH Regulations and formulations do not contain SVHCs (Substances of Very High Concern).

Our masterbatch formulations are RoHS compliant.

The food contact specified masterbatches we produce meet and exceed the specifications in relation to:

  • Directive 1935/2005/EC framework for food contact materials
  • Directive 10/2011/EC on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food
  • Directive AP(89)1 use of colourants in plastic materials coming into contact with food
  • Where a specific national legislation is to be met then recipes will be formulated accordingly, for example FDA approval for the USA.

Products intended for Toy Contact are formulated to EN71 specifications and directives.

Products intended for Pharmaceutical end uses are formulated to the relevant Pharmaceutical specifications and directives.

Plasticol masterbatches consistently provide our customer and end users with a safe, technically superior, compliant method of introducing colour to a wide range of polymers.